All staff have signed an agreement to conduct themselves in a manner that will protect them from the Coronavirus during any service, walk, or visit.
What we do:
Temperatures are checked and reported to the office every morning
Six feet physical distance is kept between client and sitter when inside their home
Masks are worn inside and outside clients home at all times
Hands are washed with soap and water (20 seconds or longer) at every visit
ETA can be sent ahead of time for contact free visits
Sitters use their own leashes for dog walks
All touched surfaces are wiped down (ie. doorknobs, light switches, handles)
Touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands is avoided
What we ask of our clients:
Maintain the six feet social distancing when sitters come in your home
Wear a mask when your sitter is in your residence
Notify Steel City Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers if you suspect or notice any illness or safety concern at your home
Provide a sink or bathroom where your sitter can wash their hands
For more info on the most recent COVID-19 prevention and guidelines click here